Professional Sports Exchange

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Faculty and Trainers at TNSU & BDP Facilitators


sports teams (secondary/higher ed), club teams, students of sports & exercise science, physical education enthusiasts.

Partner Overview

Under the Ministry of Tourism and Sports, The Institute of Physical Education was officially established on February 5, 2005, and in the year 2019, the Institute of Physical Education changed its organizational status. as a national sports university in 2019, providing teaching at the level of bachelor-doctoral degrees.There are 3 faculties and 1 graduate school.

Goals of Activity

  1. Cultural Exchange: The primary goal is to promote cultural understanding and appreciation between the participating countries. By bringing together students from the US and Thailand, the program can foster cross-cultural interactions and provide an opportunity for students to learn about each other’s traditions, customs, and ways of life. Through shared experiences and interactions, the program can promote mutual respect and appreciation for diverse cultures.
  2. Knowledge Exchange: Another important goal of the exchange program is to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas in the field of sport science. Students from both countries can share their expertise and practical experiences, thereby enhancing their understanding of sports-related topics from different perspectives.
  3. Skill Development: The exchange program also focuses on enhancing the skills and competencies of the participating students. By immersing themselves in a different educational system and environment, students can gain valuable insights into different approaches to sport science education and training. Participants can learn new techniques, methodologies, and best practices that are being employed in the host country.


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